Facilitator guidelines.

The facilitator starts and speeks from within his own motivation, is true to himself and speaks in its introduction in his own words: reason and theme of being together, the power of dialogue and takes the tool as the talking stick.
Share at the start the dialogue principles to the group. Repeat in each following session in short the guidelines. (see downloads for the principles)

The tone, length, and frailty in the opening determines the depth but also the length that will lay people in their speech. Share to the group that part of that dialogue can be a confrontation with yourself. Underline if someone chooses to stop the process for himself that this is also ok. Begin each session when using the talking stick, the pass around the stick clockwise or against clockwise. This provides a predictable structure and brings people far easier to talk anyway, which was initially reserved. Continue going around as long as possible; bring in the alternative presenting to put the talking-stick in the middle only when you feel that its conformtabel in the group or if the group asks for it.

The facilitator speaks softly, calm and focused and not associating and always looks for the positive in what is saying.

Supervised the process by continuous attention but mainly sense to keep rules:
– Verdict with compassion when someone does not respect the rules.
– Choose between intervene or leave it as it its, depending on: whether the group is strong enough to recognize the 'slip' and continue or yourself on that time you speak out of respect or there are multiple sessions with this group (i.e., is the time given as a group to have the learning experience
of a "disturbed" dialogue or is this the only session).
– Intervenieer when someone stops.
– Due to the line where it is yet to name here and if necessary clarify.
– And without judging the sayings of the person).

Facilitator is the change he wants to see. Do not argue, defend nothing, even not the dialogue and its rules and trust that everything that happens in the group is good and that the result will come.
Meet at the end the choice to evaluate. Avoid an evaluation if you feel it does affect each addition. Evaluation can be useful if, for example, the dialogue rules are violated and the group has a sequel, in which things can still be addressed.