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"Finally something as a team succeeded !" " Since we started using the team development maps, we understand each other better. The weekly project meetings have therefore become much more dynamic and effective”
"The cards also contain the rational side of the business, which is very essential in my view." The versatility of all 12 makes the aspects surrounding the more rational side as benchmarking and technology that our project managers with a technical background can use the cards.
Auke van Lieshout, Manager Projectmanagement, Ordina
"The moon is our prisoner and the sun is our player!" "Talk about connections. At present our organization is in a process of change in which employees and managers are encouraged to take responsibility.
The behaviorial choices between victim or leader are continuously mirrored. This deck of cards is perfect for this."
"The aim of my team to be number 1 in the Netherlands had been achieved!" "Since last year we are busy training in the field of guest orientation and sales. So we worked on our communication process. By working with the cards we gained faith in the group process."
John van Holst, Cafetaria Eethuis van Holst

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